Our lives are sewn into many different pieces. Every person we meet, every heart break, every loss, every disappointment, every victory and every success are all fabrics of our life that make this journey of life our own masterpiece. People weave in and out of our lives, we spend our lives trying to find a purpose and we begin to realize the only constant in our life will always be change. I was thinking about 5 things the other day that should be some focal points for us to consider to enhance how our lives are sewn together. I call them the 5 Man W.E.A.V.E. A simple basketball drill to reflect some of life's toughest lessons.
W. Web: Who is in your web? It's so important to have the right people in your life. If you hang out with positive, energetic, optimistic people...chances are it will be contagious. Find people that believe in you and challenge you to be a better person each day. A spider's web is an intricate design that enables it to catch food and spend time. Such is your life. It's a very fragile and intricate design. Make sure you have the right people helping you spin your web of life.
E. Errors: We all fall short and make mistakes. We learn from the past and we learn from our previous mistakes to help make us better people, better friends, better parents and better co-workers. Forgiveness is a big part of life. We must learn to forgive others in order to free ourselves. When forgiveness takes place, we naturally release those disturbing thoughts and emotions that drain our physical, mental, emotional and spirtual well-being. So learn to let go and move on and forgive. Noone is perfect and we all make mistakes.
A. Attitude: Attitude, I believe is a defining characteristic of one's life. When you wake up in the morning, you can choose to have a good or bad attitude. There are always going to be bumps in the road, but our attitude about those bumps help define who we are and who we become. Having a positive attitude is much healthier and prevents stress. Be an optimist!!! Is your glass half empty or half full? Look around....you will see that you have much to be thankful for and be blessed for each day you receive here on this Earth
V. Vitality:Vitality can be defines as a measure of the life force energy a person has. Eating well, exercising and getting enough rest are all key components to our vitality. I perceive vitality as having a love for life or having a mission to work towards and be passionate about what you do. Do you give off positive energy and enjoy life or are you negative and think of life as a drag? BE POSITIVE!!
E. Encouragement:Throughout scripture, we see instructions in verses to encourage others and verses that encourage us. I believe encouragement is necessary in all walks of our lives. We all need encouragement in our jobs, in school, in athletics and to be the very best we can be. Without encouragement, we feel overwhelmed by the pain and loss. Without encouragement, we feel unloved and unworthy. So encourage each other and remind each other that God loves us, He equips us and struggles often lead to blessings. Encouragement gives us the will to carry on. So be an Encourager!! You never know who is watching and what life you may touch.
Continue to allow God to weave your life as He wants it. Each of our lives are woven at different paces, in different situations to create our own journey.
Below is a great poem!! Stay strong, keep the faith and always believe!
Life's Weaving
My life is but a weaving
between my God and me;
I may not choose the colors,
He knows what they should be;
For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side,
While I can see it only
On this, the under side.
Sometimes He weaveth sorrow,
Which seemeth strange to me;
But I will trust His judgment;
And work faithfully;
'Tis He who fills the shuttle,
He knows just what is best;
So I shall weave in earnest
And leave Him with the rest.
At last, when life is ended,
With Him I shall abide,
Then I may view the pattern
Upon the upper side;
Then I shall know the reason
Why pain with joy entwined,
Was woven in the fabric
Of life that God designed.