Today, on Good Friday, we reflect on the suffering of Jesus Christ who died to save us from our sins. On this day it is overwhelming and my heart is filled with so much gratitude. I can't begin to imagine what it would have been like to witness this horrifying event. It was a day much like today, but because of His cruel death we are given the grace and mercy we enjoy today.
So the next time you complain about being sore, about not wanting to help someone or you don't feel like confessing your faith....think about the crown of thorns, the beating and the nails that Jesus endured for us. I know when I think I'm tough I reflect on that day and the pain Jesus underwent for us so that if we believe in Him we will have eternal life.
So today, tomorrow, Easter Sunday and every day....when you see a cross, think of a love so amazing, so divine, that He loves us even when we fail. Look to the sky and thank God for the gift and resurrection of His son so that we may have eternal life. And when you think you are tough.....remember that dark, cloudy day when Jesus gave His own life for us.
Verse of the Day:
Isaiah 53:5-6
But He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds. We all went astray like sheep; we all have turned to our own way; and the Lord has punished Him for the iniquities of us all.
Song of the day: Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Love this version. David Crowder! Love Him!
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