Monday, July 15, 2013

Jump Ball

At the beginning of every basketball game there is a jump ball situation. This situation consists of 2 people striving to tip the ball to their team in order to gain momentum for the remainder of the game. It is a challenge to see who can jump the highest or tip the ball in just the right place to get it to a teammate to get the game started on a good note. Being a guard, I never had the privilege of being in that circle, but have often thought so much of how this relates to life.

Just as a jump ball begins a basketball game, each day is a new beginning of the rest of our lives. When we wake up, we are faced with being in that similar circle that contains challenges and obstacles that we will encounter every day. We want to knock the ball to our team which can consist of co-workers, friends and God. He wants to be part of our team throughout the day to help us "Win" the day. He is our best player and the most ultimate team player.

Every morning when we wake up, picture yourself in that circle. Think about tipping the ball to your team to get the day started off right. "Get Up" for God. In high school, one of my favorite cheers was at the beginning of the game...."Jump Ball- Get It Get It." So get that jump ball and go start your day out right each day with a positive attitude, a contagious smile and a mindset to make a difference.

"Be strong. therefore, and let not your hands be weak and slack, for your work shall be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7

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