Friday, October 25, 2013

Scouting Report....

Growing up playing basketball, one of the crucial aspects of being successful is developing a plan called a scouting report to put your team in the best position to win. Scouting reports are designed to determine another team's strengths and weaknesses to help adapt your team on how to win. Many times countless hours are spent on game-planning for the upcoming opponent. As a coach, I feel sometimes we spend too much time on what the opponent is doing that we fail to focus on our team and what we can do and how we trust in what we do to win the game.

Often I think about the game of life. We spend time worrying about what we don't have, for example time and money. We complain about being rushed all the time and that we just don't have time to make for ourselves to do something we enjoy doing.

What is our scouting report on ourselves? What are our strategies for living a fulfilled and honorable life in which we can be proud?

Personnel: Who are the best players are your team? Who can you call and talk to when the going gets tough? Who do you trust the most?

Starters: How do you start your morning? What is your routine to get your day off to a positive beginning?

Stats: What are some good things that you have done that you are proud of? How many people did you make smile today? Did you play by the "Golden Rule"?

Offense: Did you attack the day and make it great? Did you share the ball with your teammates (family, friends, co-workers, team)?

Defense: How did you handle those situations that happened today? Were you the bigger person? Did you have a positive outlook and attitude towards the negativity?

Keys to winning the game of life:

1. L.ove : Love God, Love your family, Love your friends and Love yourself
2. A.ppreciate: Count your blessings and remember why you are here on this Earth. Be thankful for your opportunities and experiences that you are given in this life.
3. U.nderstand: Be
4. G.ive: Give of yourself, your time, your talents to help make this world a better place. Always remember that "It is in giving that we shall receive.
5. H.ope: Never give up hope on your faith, yourself or your country. Trust that things happen as they were meant to be. How we handle adversity defines who we are and who we become.

As you can see, this spells out LAUGH. Never forget to laugh. As it has been said many times.."Laughter is the best medicine.
Sit down occasionally and analyze your life. Do a self-scouting report. Look at where you are in your life. Look at who you are and who you want to be.

What's the Game Plan for your life?

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