In sports, we always hear the words "Keep it Simple." So many times we try to complicate not only a sports game, but the game of life. Sometimes it's getting rid of the clutter in our life. Those things that don't add value to your life. I have always been a simple person. So many times we think we have to wear the best clothes, have the best watches or drive a fancy car. That is not what really matters in life. People can't buy your love, money doesn't buy happiness and life is not about things. There are often times in our life when we feel hopeless and helpless. We feel like we are not good enough. But there is always one person that never lets us down....The Good Lord. His love never fails.
A couple of thoughts on simplifying your life:
1. Spend time with the right people: There are people in your life who love you for who you are, who appreciate you and who encourage you. These people are there in the darkest of hours to bring you a light and help embrace and go through the tough times with you. Find those people and when you do, don't let them go. If you are surrounded by people that only make you an option, turn and run now. God puts people in our life for a reason...some are blessings and some come as lessons. Some people are blessings because they are true to you, don't lie to you, don't betray you and have a backbone to talk to you face to face. Other people come as lessons. They are the ones who turn out to be someone other than what you expected, their actions speak louder than their words and they disappear out of your life without any hesitation. God knows who belongs in your life. Trust Him and learn to let go of what isn't meant to be. God has a better life waiting for you.
2. Don't worry about what everyone thinks and wants for you: One of our greatest freedoms is simply not caring what everyone else thinks about you. Be who you are and keep striving to be the best that you can be in this short life. God is there. He has a journey mapped out for us long before we even know. Don't accept the safe and easy: Dare to be different and don't be afraid. The only person you should be concerned with about what he thinks about you is the Man Upstairs.
3. Look for the Good: When things are hard and you feel like it's not going to get any better, take a few deep breaths and look for the silver lining. Count your blessings and your small daily victories. Did I say hi to someone? Did I send a text just to say I'm thinking about you? These are the small victories that make a big difference in life. Focus on what you have and not what you have lost or who has left you. God is good all the time and He never leaves us.
So smile every chance you get, not because your life is perfect, but because you choose to be happy and grateful. Accept that life is not perfect, people are not perfect and you are not perfect. And know that everything works out for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose not our purpose. So keep life simple. Enjoy the outdoors, enjoy the people that care about you and find value in the little things in life because quite frankly they end up being the big things anyway.
Live a Simple Life!
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