Sunday, March 25, 2018

God's Easter Eggs

As Easter rapidly approaches, my hope is that we can all slow down and comprehend what this upcoming Holy Week means to us as Christians. People often think our lives as Christians are without pain, hardships and struggles. The truth is, as Christians we are imperfect and flawed. We believe that God is constantly searching for us to help us grow in our faith.
I find it coincidental that one of our most celebrated Easter Traditions is hunting Easter eggs. Young children (and Adult children) spend an afternoon searching in familiar and unfamiliar places to see how many shiny, colored and oddly shaped eggs they can find.
I often wonder if God views us as His Easter eggs. He is constantly searching for us in dark, uncovered places or He can quickly spot us out in the open to pick us up and put us in His basket.
He doesn't care what color we are, what shape we are or where we have been hiding. He is consistently trying to find us no matter if we are buried or stuck in a shallow crevice. We are God's Golden eggs and He spends each day choosing us to fill His basket. Inside each egg are the
broken-hearted, the misfits, and the lost souls. He can't wait to crack open each of His eggs to examine and help change what's on the inside of each of us.
As you go through this Holy Week, may you constantly observe the little hidden eggs of your life. Whether your hidden egg is a friend that encourages you,  a prayer for someone you love, a sunset,  a long walk or just a breath of fresh air; take time to realize how blessed we truly are if we just Believe.
God sent His son to die for ours sins so that we may have everlasting life in Him. Jesus' death was only the beginning of His victory. It's the little victories in life that we often forget to appreciate. May we strive each and every day to  live a life worthy of God's faithfulness to us. Each day we walk this Earth, know that we are God's Easter eggs the He is persistently searching for daily to mold and love  to be more like Him.

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