Sunday, April 20, 2014

Check the Lost and Found

At most sporting events, there will always be a lost and found section. When we lose or leave something valuable or meaningful to us, we are the first in line to contact or search the lost and found for that missing item we left. At some point in our life, we have all lost a wallet, a phone or a credit card  or even a child in a mass audience or crowd somewhere. We have all felt broken or lost in our life. We have all felt confused, questions our journey, lost loved ones or had relationships and friendships that have failed. It's when we experience our darkest moments that the Son always rises. He is there to find us and search our hearts to mend the brokenness and the pain.

As we celebrate Easter Sunday and the resurrection of our Savior, let us all reflect and aim to be renewed with a energized spirit. Let us understand the importance of this day and how it reminds us that no matter how empty we feel, how unsure of our journey we are or how we question why things happen that He loves us anyway. We were the nails in His wrist, the thorn in His brow and the pain He endured. And when Mary and the disciples thought His body had been lost, He arose so that we can have eternal life. He was not lost, but He was found and told us "Do not be afraid." Just as Mary did not recognize Jesus, sometimes we fail to see Him but He is all around us. His fellowship is free to us if we just talk to Him and spend time with Him.

Losing will always be part of our lives. we lose games, lose our jobs, lose friends, lose loved ones and even sometimes our minds, but never forget that no matter how lost we feel that God is always there waiting to find us. He is there to create a new slate and renew a right spirit. May we all strive to revive and restore our passion for life so that we can find God's unending and amazing love for us.  And if you ever feel lost and empty, check the lost and found because God is always there waiting for us to call on Him and realize that He is all we need.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Keep it Simple

In sports, we always hear the words "Keep it Simple." So many times we try to complicate not only a sports game, but the game of life. Sometimes it's getting rid of the clutter in our life. Those things that don't add value to your life. I have always been a simple person. So many times we think we have to wear the best clothes, have the best watches or drive a fancy car. That is not what really matters in life. People can't buy your love, money doesn't buy happiness and life is not about things. There are often times in our life when we feel hopeless and helpless. We feel like we are not good enough. But there is always one person that never lets us down....The Good Lord. His love never fails.

A couple of thoughts on simplifying your life:

1. Spend time with the right people: There are people in your life who love you for who you are, who appreciate you and who encourage you. These people are there in the darkest of hours to bring you a light and help embrace and go through the tough times with you. Find those people and when you do, don't let them go. If you are surrounded by people that only make you an option, turn and run now. God puts people in our life for a reason...some are blessings and some come as lessons. Some people are blessings because they are true to you, don't lie to you, don't betray you and have a backbone to talk to you face to face. Other people come as lessons. They are the ones who turn out to be someone other than what you expected, their actions speak louder than their words and they disappear out of your life without any hesitation. God knows who belongs in your life. Trust Him and learn to let go of what isn't meant to be. God has a better life waiting for you.

2. Don't worry about what everyone thinks and wants for you: One of our greatest freedoms is simply not caring what everyone else thinks about you. Be who you are and keep striving to be the best that you can be in this short life. God is there. He has a journey mapped out for us long before we even know. Don't accept the safe and easy: Dare to be different and don't be afraid. The only person you should be concerned with about what he thinks about you is the Man Upstairs.

3. Look for the Good: When things are hard and you feel like it's not going to get any better, take a few deep breaths and look for the silver lining. Count your blessings and your small daily victories. Did I say hi to someone? Did I send a text just to say I'm thinking about you?  These are the small victories that make a big difference in life. Focus on what you have and not what you have lost or who has left you. God is good all the time and He never leaves us.

So smile every chance you get, not because your life is perfect, but because you choose to be happy and grateful. Accept that life is not perfect, people are not perfect and you are not perfect. And know that everything works out for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose not our purpose. So keep life simple. Enjoy the outdoors, enjoy the people that care about you and find value in the little things in life because quite frankly they end up being the big things anyway.

Live a Simple Life!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Are you a Season Ticket Holder?

I'm a huge sports fan as many of you that read my blog probably are. My family has had season tickets to Vanderbilt and the Tennessee Titans for as long as I can remember. I'm a competitive person, I don't like to lose and rarely did I miss many games growing up in Memorial gym or at LP Field. College Coaching has hindered attending some games, but I do try to go to as many as I can. When you are a season ticket holder, you feel invested in the program that you support. When your team loses, you take it hard. When you attend the games, sometimes we turn into those people you never want to sit by, we tell the refs how bad they are and we get in the car and can't talk to the family because we are so mad at how "Our" team played. Yet, we cheer as loud as we can when someone hits the game winning shot or scores the winning field goal. We are a "True Fan" and because we invest money to get season tickets for our favorite sport, we feel like we are part of the team. Win or Lose we love our team.

I've often thought about Life. What if we invested in buying season tickets on God's team? What if we cheered as loud when someone accepted Him as their Lord and Savior as we do when our team scores a touchdown? Investing in buying tickets on God's Team is free and His team, in the end, will achieve the ultimate victory. So let's get on board and support the most successful team that has a membership that is always available at any time no matter how much money you make, many free perks and gives us the reward to know that no matter how hard the game of life may get, we will always be winners. We always have something to cheer about and so many players to support in their walk with Christ.

Are you a season ticket holder? Are you cheering for the right team?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What's on your playlist?

Music has always been one of my passions. I listen to all genres of music and taught myself how to play the guitar about 10 years ago. Music is all around us. We hear it in our automobiles, televisions,  Ipods, at athletic events, concerts, restaurants, races, in the comfort of our own homes and even in the beauty of nature that is free to all of us. About 3 years ago, I went through a really tough time in my life. I remember driving around one day and hit scan on my radio. It landed on WAYFM out of Nashville. If you don't believe in God's timing, on this day I did.  Lead Me by the Sanctus Real came on the radio station that day and blew me away. At some point in our lives we all need that reminder that we need to renew our faith and start over. I had reached that point in my life where I was at a crossroad and needed a change. I needed someone other than me to lead me and help me find my purpose.

After that day, WAYFM and K-Love became my favorite radio stations. They have been my favorite radio stations for the past three years. With all the songs that promote violence, drinking and drugs, it was refreshing to find stations that were uplifting and encouraging for my drive to work. I took the 30 day challenge on K-Love where you listen to Christian music for 30 days. It's been life-changing for me. The music that our youth listen to today becomes part of their vocabulary and how they think.
Music has and will always be controversial. We have a choice, though, to what our radio station is set on in the car, to what we download on our Ipods and what we play in stadiums.  So what's on your playlist? Is it encouraging and uplifting? Does it help you make it through tough times in your life? Music and lyrics provide comfort, peace, soothe the soul and often help us to reminisce of the past. Sometimes when we don't have to words to say to express how we are feeling, there is a song that says exactly what we want to say. So I encourage all of you to evaluate your playlist.

Also, if we listen God's creation plays music for us every day. Sometimes we fail to listen to the sounds outside. Listen to the creek that runs through the trees, listen to the waterfall that crashes down over the rocks, listen to the birds that chirp outside the window each morning, listen to the wind blowing through the trees, the rocks that fall down the mountains, the sticks that fall from the trees in the forrest  and listen to the ocean crashing into the shore. It is then we are assured of how small we really are and how He is everywhere around us. Sometimes all we need to do is just stop and listen and evaluate what's on our playlist.

A few of my favorites to add to your playlist:

Captivate Us by Watermark
Born Again by Third Day
Love song by Third Day
Lifesong by Casting Crowns
Praise you in this storm by Casting Crowns
Oceans by Hillsong United
Background by Lecrae
Every time you run by Manifest
Overcomer by Mandisa
Lord I need you but Matt Maher
Hello, My name is by Matthew West
Worn by Tenth Avenue North
Steal my show by Toby Mac

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Take Flight

Every day there are thousands of flights that travel the world. Flying has always been one of my biggest fears, yet I do it quite frequently. However, it is one of the most intriguing things that has always amazed me. The events that occurred during 911 and how all those planes had to be grounded had to be a nightmare. Air traffic controllers gained a new respect from me on that day and the years that followed after that. Their job has to be stressful to know  every flight pattern, when to land and when to take off and every specific time frame to make that happen.

When you think of all the flights that travel each and every day, I think about God as our air traffic controller. Though we cannot see Him, He has a major job of keeping track of all His people each and every day. So many times in our life, we start out on a journey and try to fly through the journey on our flight pattern and not His. Just as we have no control over where our plane is going when we board, God already has planned out a flight pattern for each of us. It is up to us to trust His plan.

What an awesome God we serve when you think about all the people that He has to coordinate plans for and all the logistics of our crazy lives that He has to figure out. Some of our flight plans are totally different each day. The people we meet, the situations in which we face and the places where He calls to go all shape where we end up according to His plan.

So the next time you take flight, look out the window and think about how wonderful our God is and how He is control of how we choose to fly each and every day....

Who is controlling how you fly today??? Spread those wings and trust and listen to Him.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Battle Scars

Scars usually never go away, but leave little marks that are always there to remind us of the storms that we have gone through to get where we are, accidents that we have experienced, surgeries that we have gone through or the loss of loved ones. These scars help you realize how thankful and blessed we are to understand the importance of growing and becoming the person we are meant to be, for friendships and for our families. Scars can be on our body or in our minds, but they all have some meaning into helping shape who we are.

We all have battle scars which are those scars that represent the hard work and preparation that we have put in to make a team, get a job or build ourselves into the people we have become. These scars are a reminder to us that nothing comes easy in this life and our reward after our battle here on Earth is over will be well worth the wait. The scars we bear are a sign that we are competitors and that whomever or whatever tried to hurt us did not win. Scars give us strength to know that we persevered through a tough time in our life.

Along with battle scars, we all have emotional scars. These scars represent the tough times in our lives, the people that have disappointed us and the loss of those we love. These emotional scars rekindle memories, give us hope that God puts people in our lives for a reason and and teaches us to persevere  through adversity. Sometimes our scarred hearts rekindle a strength to push us to become better people, better friends, better teammates and appreciate the gift of family.

If you are going through a tough time or have many scars remember: Every storm cloud runs out of rain and that we have a God that His love never fails and never gives up on us! When we think we have ot hard, think about the fact that we were the thorns in His crown  and we were the nails in His wrists, but He loved us anyway. Because of His scars, we get to wake up every morning with a chance to make a difference and help others heal their scars. "Turn your scars in to stars."...

Monday, February 17, 2014

What do you do with your F.R.E.E. time?

"I don't have time." How many times have we said this in our lifetime? No matter how old we are, we often use these words…I don't have time. Time is one of the most important things in life in which we have no control. Once a minute, an hour or a day passes we can never get it back. The best things in this life are frequently the things we overlook the most. The best things in life are "Free." A few of the the freedoms that we enjoy that we often take for granted consist of: the freedom of religion, the freedom to participate in healthy activities that we enjoy and the freedom of speech. What we do in our free time shapes who we are and helps us develop our identity.

F. First: Put God First!
In the Bible, Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God. Without putting God first we become hostage to the the freedoms that God has granted to us through forgiveness. We wake up each morning fresh, alive and able to breathe this wonderful breath of life. When you wake up each morning He wants to be the first thing on your mind. Hit your knees and thank Him for the day, His beautiful creation and for the freedom we get to live this life that He has given us. So many times we forget just to breathe and enjoy this life!

R. Relationship with Him is the Most Important:
Relationships are an important part of our lives. Our friends, who we date, our co-workers and our families all shape us into the person we become. It is so important to find people in your life that bring out the best in you, that love and support you not only during the happy times, but when the storms hit as well. Sometimes we got caught up in trying to fit in, trying to be popular or trying to settle down with the right person. There should be no rush because if you don't have a relationship with God, I truly believe that many of your earthly relationships will never succeed. The ultimate companion that we have on this Earth is Him. He never lets us down, His love never fails and He knows the plans He has for our future. So don't be in a hurry....Make sure you have a Relationship with Him before you try to make anything else in your life work. There is no love like the love He has for each of us.

E. Encourage:
We are all human and like to be appreciated and encouraged. Encourage, don't discourage. We are all on the same team in this life. We are all here for a short time, so we need to help and encourage one another to live our life to the fullest. Help your teammates, help your neighbors, help a stranger. Our actions always speak louder than words. So our life speaks more than our sermon. Live your life as a encourager. Smile, give someone a compliment, write a little note to someone that needs a pick me up. Be a good teammate!!

E. Be Energetic:
Give this life your best every day. Life is about energy. God gives his best for us every day so we should return the favor. Have positive energy. Don't be a grumpy person that noone wants to around. Remember, we all have struggles and hardships. It's part of life. How we handle ourselves in times of struggle is who we are. Find something positive in every day. We have so much to be thankful for and most of all we are alive!! Let your spirit and your life be contagious. When people meet you, let them know that there is something different about you.

Remember you are all "Youniquely" made by Him. You are all gifted, skilled and talented in some way. We all have a purpose in this life. The gifts and relationship that God offers us are free of charge. don't ever think you are alone because His fellowship is free. So make time for your family, your friends, for a cause that you are passionate about, for a stranger and for Him. Your time is limited on this Earth so don't ever think you are too busy to enjoy this life in which God has blessed us. Get outside, think outisde the box and enjoy the freedoms that we are so fortunate to have.
Be F.R.E.E.!!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


One of the first silly games we learn as a child is Rock-Paper-Scissors. We all at some point have participated in this game. I was thinking today in church how this game relates to our daily walk. You see no one gesture is more dominant than the other. The simple little game can actually relate to different aspects of our life.

1. The Rock; We all know that there will be people in our lives that throw rocks at us. And yes, most of the time people throw rocks at things that shine. Don't get discouraged. The Devil is at work and there will always be evil people, darkness and pain in your life; but if God is your rock nothing can destroy His love for you and His work that He needs you to do.  Psalm 18:2 says this "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Let the Lord be your "Rock" and be your everything.  

2. Paper; We all read books, magazines, newspapers, our Kindles, we scroll through the Facebook news. The most important paper that we all fail to ready daily is His Word. Psalm 119:105 tell us that His word is a lamp for my feet and a light to His path. Practice what His word says. Be careful what you say, be careful how you react to things. Be "Real" not "Fake."  Ephesians 4:29 says that no rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need. Life's best lessons are learned from the best selling book of all the time…The Bible.

3. Scissors; We have all been cut by words and actions of other people. When you try to help people that have been scarred and need someone to talk to, your motives can be taken out of context. Yet, Mother Theresa reminds us to do good anyway. Remember in elementary school when the teacher gave you a blank piece of white paper. She gave you a pair of scissors and asked you to cut your piece of paper. It turned into a beautiful snowflake. If we let God, He can transform us and make us into a beautiful masterpiece for Him. So many times we let gossip, rumors and negative situations control us. Let not the gossip, slander, arrogance, pride, unloving, greedy and the wicked cut through you. Psalm 51:10 says to let God create in us a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us. So let him create that Masterpiece that He is always continuously working on. Every snowflake that falls down is unique, just as God has created each of us in His own unique way and that's what makes us special.

So the next time you see little children playing Rock-Paper-Scissors, let it be a reminder of that we choose to Believe that God is our Rock, His paper has the best life lessons, and His scissors are continuously cutting and shaping us into who we are meant to be.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

When Life Hurts...

I can remember as a kid playing outside and falling down getting cuts, bruises or broken bones. Growing up in a neighborhood full of boys, there was never a dull moment. From backyard football games to grudge matches on the asphault, I would always come in with scrapes and cuts that usually required a Band-Aid.

Growing up I was very fortunate to have a dad as my dentist. Playing basketball with braces was never a good thing for me. I was always the one diving on the floor trying to out hustle the opponent. I'll never forget when my bracket went through my lip. I didn't come out, but after the game I was fortunate enough to have a dentist that fixed my problem.

We have all been blessed that when we are sick, when we break a bone, when we have a tooth ache, when we need a tutor for school or just when we fall down and need some ice, we all have someone that can fix those problems. We can have surgery, therapy or counseling for the things that need fixed in our life. These are the little rain storms that occur daily or once in a while that are pretty much easily put back together.

But what happens when Life really hurts. What happens when our heart breaks, when we lose someone we love, when we go through those dark times that we feel all alone. These are the severe thunderstorms that hit and sometimes we don't know how long they will last. When Life hurts, Jesus is the only one that can heal. A great portion of His time here on Earth was spent healing all different types of people. He didn't care how much money you had, what kind of job you had or what type of illness you had. He was there to help and lend His hand and never turned away anyone. He is the Great Physician. There are going to be times in our life when we hurt, when we are scared, when we are disappointed, when our prayers don't get answered, when we lose, when we fail and when we just don't feel like we are good enough. But He is there waiting on us to ask for His help. He is there to give us that band-aid, that ice or that transformation to change us. Pray and seek Him when the storms wreak havoc in your life. He will provide that peace and comfort that you need. He will put His healing hand on the situation. But you have to ask Him and seek Him. He can handle the perfect storms and the times when life really hurts....He can be the Band-aid, the Surgeon and the Healer!

Sometimes Life Hurts....But I know who my Healer is!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Who is your Point Guard?

In basketball every position on the floor is important, but if you have a good point guard it can boost your team to another level. The point guard position consists of many different roles: 1. They are the coach on the floor 2. They must fully understand the game plan 3. They are good communicators 4. They are unselfish 4. They are tough 5. They are good leaders and others want to follow them 6. They understand their teammates and know how to create shots for them 7. They are humble 8. They rarely receive the credit they deserve 9. They don't get tired 10. They must have great vision

So for any team to be successful they must have a good point guard. Just as a team needs a good point guard to win basketball games, we need a good point guard to help direct us in the game of life.
What if God was your point guard? He possesses all of the qualities that constitute what a good point guard should look like. What if He was directing your team? We should all want to be a member of His team, because He is the ultimate leader.

He is our life coach. When we need something we should always look to Him first. He always knows the right play to call, and if we execute, most of the time we will be successful.

He understands our game plan for life. We need to trust the game plan He has put before us. He knows what offense and defense we should run before we even are faced with our oppoenents.

He is the great communicator. Communication is the giving and receiving of information. We receive God's will through His word and we give Him information through prayer and the way we spread his word.

He is unselfish. The most unselfish act one can do is give up their life for another. He loved us so much that He sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. I would say that's pretty unselfish..

He is tough. Think about all the people that betray Him? Yet He still loves us and forgives us. And He sent His son to be nailed to a cross with a crown of thorns. We are the nails in His wrist. Hanging from a cross to die for us...Now that's tough.

He is a leader. God sent us son to this world to lead and help others. Think of the many followers He had and the impact that he had in His short time here. People wanted to know who He was and see what He was about because He was different.

He understands us and creates opportunities for us to be successful. He knows the plans He has for each of us. He understands the struggles we must face, the failures that must happen and the trust we must embrace in Him to follow through.

He is humble. "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross."- Philippians 2:5-8

He rarely gets the credit He deserves. For every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Let us not ever forget to be grateful and give Him all the glory in everything that we do.

God never gets tired. He is always there waiting for us to call on Him and to pray to Him for guidance and hope.

He has great vision. God sees all. He is all around us. Everywhere we look, if we look hard enough, we will see God. He wants to be everywhere in our lives.

So just as a point guard is all over the floor, making great passes, knocking down big shots, creating that big assist, getting that key turnover and being that leader your team needs. Think about the game of life...Who is your point guard? Who is your coach in the office and at home? Who is the leader on your team of life and your family? I know who I want to be my point guard. Make sure you pick the right one as well..... He can boost your game of life to a new level.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Book of "You"

What if you had your own book in the Bible? I often think about this question. Life is really like a big book. We go through different chapters, different story lines and have to learn to change and adapt throughout our entire life. The Book of Job is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Job was an overcomer and his faith in God was so admirable. Through all the suffereing that Job endured, he always sought the kingdom of God first and to me is one of the most faithful servants that we should want to mirror our life. Job proved it was possible for us to love God unconditinally just as God loves us unconditionally.

I often speak to people that we may be the only Bible some people ever read. People notice how we handle difficult situations. People notice how we handle winning and losing basketball games. People notice how we handle ourselves when the waiter brings us out the wrong food that we did not order. People notice how we handle the person at Wal-Mart who has 100 items in their cart and you only have 5 and yet the fail to ask you to go in front of them. People notice if you hold the door open for the elderly lady who is walking into the pharmacy. People notice your tone on the other end of phone line fi you are having a problem with some type of service. People notice how you treat the kid in school who everyone makes fun of because they don't have as nice of things as you do. People notice if you say thank you and your welcome. People notice if you say yes sir and no mam. People notice how you treat others who can do nothing for you. People notice how you treat that stranger who drops their books in the library and if you stop and help them pick them up. People notice if you let them in your lane while you're driving down the road and they need to get over. People notice if you are sincere in trying to help them become better people and give them sound advice and when you genuinely care about them.

These are all small things that amount to big things when writing the Book of You. Who are you? What's in your book? Will people want to read your book? So many times, we live our life as if noone is watching us. One of the reasons why I always loved playing sports and why I love coaching is that people are constantly watching how you handle yourself. If I were a parent, would I want my kid to look up to these players? How do they handle adversity? Whether we like or not, someone is always watching us. We are a role model to someone out there in this world. Someone looks up to you and wants your guidance.

In our book, there will be times where we fail. There will be times where we don't like who we are. There will be times when we are faced with tough decisions. That's the core and the body matter of your book. For He tells us that we all sin and fall short of His glory. It's in this part where people watch you the most. Where you become the Bible some may never read, yet look to see what makes you different. And it is here where they will want to ask you and talk to you and God will use you. For it is in Him where we find our greatest strengths.

When people see you, what does your cover look like? Do you have a smile? The journey, the trials, the sufferings, the changes, the people that you meet and all of life's lessons will make up the chapters in your book. And on the last page of our book, may we all strive to hear our Master say these words: "Well done my good and faithful servant." For it is these words that we will know our story is over and we have lived a honorable and faithful life that served Him.

So write down your story. Write down your book. You will be amazed and how God has used you, how He has blessed you, how some of His greatest gifts are unanawered prayers and how much He loves us.

Time to Flip the Switch....

What is light? It is a natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible, it can illuminate or it can ignite. When you wake up in the morning, do you switch your light on? Each day we are given is a gift from God. We need to learn to switch our lights on each day for life. Normally, when our house gets dark, or when we can't see in our car or when our phone goes off, we flip a switch and light comes on and allows us to see. Just as we turn a switch on in our daily jobs and lives, sometimes we need to flip that switch in our spiritual life.

Sometimes in life, our light bulbs burn out and need to be replaced. We get tired of "walking the walk." Many times in the dark and hard times in our life, we reach for escape routes or other people to fix our problems. Really, during our darkest hours, all we need to do is find the light switch and flip it on. Despite what is going on in our life, just a small beam of light gives us hope and faith that we see Him there wanting to help us see the light at the end of the tunnel. There are many verses about light in the Bible, but my favorite comes from Psalm 119:105 which says "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." This reassures us that no matter what dark place we are in, no matter what hard time we are going through and no matter how frustrated we get, His word is always there for us to pick up and flip the switch to give us light.

Some of us leave our lights on longer than others. We leave our lights on during the night and when we are afraid of the dark. Some of us turn out our lights at night and flip them back on in the morning. Some of our bulbs need to be replaced more frequently than others. No matter how dark or how dim the light is in your life...remember He is always there wanting and waiting for you to flip the switch on so He can "Illuminate" your life and make you shine! Each day is a new chance to flip on your switch. So switch on things that bring light to yout life: kindness, a smile, a helping hand, a hug or even a small prayer for someone going through a difficult time. Don't keep your switch off much longer. It's time to flip the switch to shine like God wants you to and bless the path He has set out for you.

Is your switch on or off? Flip it ON!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Time to Fill Up

Many of us drive some sort of vehicle to get us where we need to go. Most of these vehicles require gas or to be charged up to help us reach our destinations. If our car gets low on gas, most of us will see a light pop up or hear a ding that reminds us it's time to "Fill Up." Or if you drive an electric vehicle, I'm sure that your vehicle starts to slow down a little or there is some sort of reminder that it is time to charge up.

Just as our vehicles require fuel or a charge to run, so do we. I often think of myself as a vehicle. I wake up in the morning, usually go for a run, shower and read my daily devotion and write in my quote journal...oh and usually drink my one cup of coffee to ensure for a burst of energy. I'm on the go most of the day and rarely sit down long or have any down time. I like to stay busy. Each one of us fuels our mind and body with some sort of routine each day. What are you filling your tank with each day?

As I get older, I look at my life and how I want it to be filled with positive energy, enthusiasm, encouragement and love. I try to keep myself in the best shape possible and fuel my body with the right things. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that our body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit that is within you. To live the life that God has planned out for us, I believe that when we get on "Empty", we need to start fueling ourselves with those things, people, words and thoughts that are pleasing to Him. Find those people that you can talk to that help fill up your tank with optimism, kindness and gratefulness. They can act as your gas station when you feel like your life is on empty.
Or I have found the best "Filling Station" is in a quiet place where it's just you and God. Talk to him, ask him to fill you back up and recharge your batteries.

We all have experienced those times when our tank is on empty. We feel hopeless, helpless and discouraged because of certain situations that have happened to us. It's crucial for us to ride on empty too long so we don't run out of gas. I believe one of our missions here on Earth is to help others fill their tank with hope, kindness, faith and love.

So think about what's filling up your tank? And when you get on empty, don't forget to stop by and see Him to fill up your tank.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Who is building your ark?

There are times in our lives when we all feel overwhelmed or that we are flooded with disappointment, loss or just feel like nothing is going our way. Those floods of life are often the trials and sufferings that determine our character and who we are and who we will become both mentally and spiritually. I know some days we feel like it's going to rain for days and that our hearts and minds get flooded with negativity, hurt and frustration. Just as Noah had no idea how to build an ark, sometimes we have no clue why we experience disappointments, trials or loss. But I do know that God is in control He will show and lead us in the direction in which we need to go just as He instructed Noah on how to build the ark.

So when the floods of life fall upon you and you feel you are going to drown, listen and call on the ultimate Lifeguard. He will send you a lifeboat, a life jacket or put someone in your life to help pull you to safety. He is always the safe harbor we should long for when we feel like we are going to sink. He is there to help you build up your heart, mind and soul so that when life throws you curve balls you won't strike out. No matter if its a light sprinkle, a steady rain or a flood God is our ark of safety. Just as He protected Noah, He will be a safety valve in our life and our security when we need Him.

So who is building your ark?