Sunday, January 19, 2014

Time to Flip the Switch....

What is light? It is a natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible, it can illuminate or it can ignite. When you wake up in the morning, do you switch your light on? Each day we are given is a gift from God. We need to learn to switch our lights on each day for life. Normally, when our house gets dark, or when we can't see in our car or when our phone goes off, we flip a switch and light comes on and allows us to see. Just as we turn a switch on in our daily jobs and lives, sometimes we need to flip that switch in our spiritual life.

Sometimes in life, our light bulbs burn out and need to be replaced. We get tired of "walking the walk." Many times in the dark and hard times in our life, we reach for escape routes or other people to fix our problems. Really, during our darkest hours, all we need to do is find the light switch and flip it on. Despite what is going on in our life, just a small beam of light gives us hope and faith that we see Him there wanting to help us see the light at the end of the tunnel. There are many verses about light in the Bible, but my favorite comes from Psalm 119:105 which says "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." This reassures us that no matter what dark place we are in, no matter what hard time we are going through and no matter how frustrated we get, His word is always there for us to pick up and flip the switch to give us light.

Some of us leave our lights on longer than others. We leave our lights on during the night and when we are afraid of the dark. Some of us turn out our lights at night and flip them back on in the morning. Some of our bulbs need to be replaced more frequently than others. No matter how dark or how dim the light is in your life...remember He is always there wanting and waiting for you to flip the switch on so He can "Illuminate" your life and make you shine! Each day is a new chance to flip on your switch. So switch on things that bring light to yout life: kindness, a smile, a helping hand, a hug or even a small prayer for someone going through a difficult time. Don't keep your switch off much longer. It's time to flip the switch to shine like God wants you to and bless the path He has set out for you.

Is your switch on or off? Flip it ON!!!

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