Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Book of "You"

What if you had your own book in the Bible? I often think about this question. Life is really like a big book. We go through different chapters, different story lines and have to learn to change and adapt throughout our entire life. The Book of Job is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Job was an overcomer and his faith in God was so admirable. Through all the suffereing that Job endured, he always sought the kingdom of God first and to me is one of the most faithful servants that we should want to mirror our life. Job proved it was possible for us to love God unconditinally just as God loves us unconditionally.

I often speak to people that we may be the only Bible some people ever read. People notice how we handle difficult situations. People notice how we handle winning and losing basketball games. People notice how we handle ourselves when the waiter brings us out the wrong food that we did not order. People notice how we handle the person at Wal-Mart who has 100 items in their cart and you only have 5 and yet the fail to ask you to go in front of them. People notice if you hold the door open for the elderly lady who is walking into the pharmacy. People notice your tone on the other end of phone line fi you are having a problem with some type of service. People notice how you treat the kid in school who everyone makes fun of because they don't have as nice of things as you do. People notice if you say thank you and your welcome. People notice if you say yes sir and no mam. People notice how you treat others who can do nothing for you. People notice how you treat that stranger who drops their books in the library and if you stop and help them pick them up. People notice if you let them in your lane while you're driving down the road and they need to get over. People notice if you are sincere in trying to help them become better people and give them sound advice and when you genuinely care about them.

These are all small things that amount to big things when writing the Book of You. Who are you? What's in your book? Will people want to read your book? So many times, we live our life as if noone is watching us. One of the reasons why I always loved playing sports and why I love coaching is that people are constantly watching how you handle yourself. If I were a parent, would I want my kid to look up to these players? How do they handle adversity? Whether we like or not, someone is always watching us. We are a role model to someone out there in this world. Someone looks up to you and wants your guidance.

In our book, there will be times where we fail. There will be times where we don't like who we are. There will be times when we are faced with tough decisions. That's the core and the body matter of your book. For He tells us that we all sin and fall short of His glory. It's in this part where people watch you the most. Where you become the Bible some may never read, yet look to see what makes you different. And it is here where they will want to ask you and talk to you and God will use you. For it is in Him where we find our greatest strengths.

When people see you, what does your cover look like? Do you have a smile? The journey, the trials, the sufferings, the changes, the people that you meet and all of life's lessons will make up the chapters in your book. And on the last page of our book, may we all strive to hear our Master say these words: "Well done my good and faithful servant." For it is these words that we will know our story is over and we have lived a honorable and faithful life that served Him.

So write down your story. Write down your book. You will be amazed and how God has used you, how He has blessed you, how some of His greatest gifts are unanawered prayers and how much He loves us.

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