Monday, May 20, 2013

Winning the "Right Way"

This past weekend I spent a few days in St. Louis at a coaching clinic. The people that attended this clinic have what I call the "Get It" factor (Which will be my next blog post). I had great discussions, learned lots of new ideas for the upcoming season and a "meaningful conversation" with a friend that understands the "why" we do what we do. I'm thankful for that late night conversation that helped me write this week's blog post. Thank you RP. 

I just finished reading the book "Lead...For God's Sake." Coach Davis bought us a copy and gave it to all of us to read. I finished it in 2 days. It's that good. I highly recommend it to everyone. Go get it!! 
I won't spoil the book for you, but one of the main points asks the question "WHY" we do what we do? It all starts with your definition of success and winning. What do these words mean to you? So many of us go through life with the idea that winning is how many games we win, making lots of money, living in a huge house, driving a fancy car, winning lots of awards and making a name for ourselves. Is this really what makes you happy? Or in the long run is this what ends up breaking you? We get so caught up in the "status" that we forget about what really matters in life. We forget that the kids we coach go to class every day, go through divorces, go through break ups and have situations in their lives that we can't imagine. They need our guidance and our influence. 

No matter what our profession, all of us are in a position of leadership. We have people that are under our influence. Influence is one of the key ingredients that make this world turn. Are you being a positive influence for those people in your life? Are you leading from the heart? One of my favorite quotes is God is 1st, my friends and family are 2nd and I am 3rd. Thinking about this, I realized that God wants to be first, but he also wants to be at the center of everything we do. He is too big to be put in a priority box. He wants to be at the center of all aspects of our lives. 

So I encourage all of you to examine your life and begin to embrace your position. Have meaningful conversations with your co-workers. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. This can help create a winning culture and make your team or business be a place of success. Maybe God wants to see what you can do where you are before He trusts to let you go where you want to be. Remember that you are where you are for a reason so learn to embrace that. Relationships are one of the most important parts of our lives. They are one of the keys to our purpose here on Earth. Are you making a difference? Are you leading with your heart? Do people see something different in you? You may be winning on the outside, but on the inside are you winning? Leading with your heart is much better and rewarding, but not always easier. It takes work and a willingness to commit to living out your purpose. God has a purpose for all of us. He wants to be a part of that so don't forget to listen to Him and follow your heart. 

Winning isn't about your wins and loss record. It's not about how many awards and honors you have. It's not about how much money you make or the size of the house you have. It's about your quality of life. It's about the values and morals you possess. Does your team feel like they are part of a winning culture? You have much more influence than you will ever know. Be willing to smile to help people and be the best that you can be in your situation. We all fall short, but we must be willing to change our hearts to make a difference in this world. 

God has put some awesome people in my life this past year. I have learned to understand what winning really means. For so long I had the wrong idea that winning was only about success and how many games you won. If you didn't "WIN" were a failure.  It took me a long time to come to grips with who I want to be and what my idea of winning is. I was wrong for so long but thankful for faith and help from above I was able to move on from my clouded view of winning. It's the impact you have on people in this life. It's how you treat people and encourage one another. So I encourage you to look at your life....Are you really winning? Learn to lead and win the right way! 

Have a blessed day! 

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