Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are you helping "Peace" the Puzzle Together?

At some point in your life, you will have to be part of a team. It may be a sport's team, a team at work or a member of God's team. When we are a member of a team, it is important that we all realize what our role is on the team. Just as a puzzle has many pieces that fit together, being a part of a team requires each member must execute his/her job in order for the team to be successful. Whether you are a point guard, a quarterback, a forward,  or a defensive specialist, all members have an integral part in using their specific skill set to ensure that the team is successful.

Peace is defined by Webster as a freedom from disturbance or disagreement. For any team, organziation or community to be at "peace", one must realize what their piece or role is to make sure that the operation is run smoothly. Each of us brings a different size, shape and uniqueness to the table that when pieced together correctly, forms a beatiful masterpiece.

Just as the body is one, it is made up of many parts. 1 Corinthians states that no part is more or less important than the other, therefore, its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. There is a dependence required from each part that makes our whole body function properly. If one part is injured, it hinders the movement and operation of the whole body.

This verse exemplifies so much truth about life and about being part of a team, family or organization. We all have a responsibility on our team, in our job or in our family that enhances our emotions if the role is done well. We win and lose together. If one person doesn't box out, we lose the game. If one person hits the game winning home run, we all celebrate the victory.

Whether in victory or in defeat we must know and listen to what God wants our piece of the puzzle to be. When we discover this, it's amazing the happiness that we create for ourselves and others around us. Enthusiasm, kindness and optimism are all pieces that we can learn to portray daily that will lead to the Ultimate "Peace" in the world we live in today!

Find your "piece" to help make "peace"!

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