Thursday, December 12, 2013

What is your "Faith" Value?

One of my favorite words in the English language has always been "Believe." I used to write this word on my basketball shoes, I have it written in my car and my quote bookis filled with "Believe" quotes.To believe in something means to have a faith in knowing that every situation, every person we meet and the circumstances that occur to us during our lives happen just as they are meant to be.

At some point in our life, we have all believed in something. Whether it be Santa, The Easter Bunny, God, love at first sight or even yourself; We have all believed in something. I miss the enjoyment of believing and waking up on Chrsitmas morning to see what that jolly man left for my sister and I. I love the sounds, smells and lights of this time of year. As Christmas approaches, I challenge all of you to look inside yourself and believe. Believe in hope, believe in life, believe in love and believe in the real meaning of Christmas. As you are shopping, decorating and cooking, remember what this season is all about. It is about the joy and celebration of a birthday of the greatest man to ever walk this Earth. He is the reason we are all here. He is the greatest gift we can receive this Christmas season.

So many times we get caught up in buying presents and going to Christmas parties that we forget that the real meaning of Christmas is to cherish the memories, spend time with our friends and families and have faith in knowing that "For unto us a child is born and He shall reign forever and ever."So as Christmas rapidly draws near, value the important things in life:

1. Believe in something greater than yourself; This life is not about us
2. Believe in the spirit of giving: Give your time and give your love to things that really matter
3. Believe in forgivness: we have all made mistakes; Learn to forgive so that you can be forgiven
4. Believe in Good: Always try to do the right things and have courage to stand up for what is right
5. Believe in your journey: God's journey was a tough one to do what He did for us: Have faith that
    His plan is always greater than yours
6. Believe in the word Merry: Be joyful, happy and let people see the excitement of the season
7. Believe in Peace: Pray for our country and our nation: It's disturbs me that Christ has been taken
    out of Christmas
8. Believe in the Celebration of why we celebrate Christmas: renew your faith and understand the real
    meaning of the season

So what is your "Faith Value?" Do you believe? So many times during this time we struggle with the loss of loved ones, of not having enough money to buy presents, of not having a relationship with our friends and family. It's not about the gifts. It's about giving, forgiving, loving and celebrating the birthday of a why we are all here! So, stop and take a deep breath and pray for those less fortunate than you, pray for the little children that don't get a chance to ever believe, pray for our schools, pray for our country and pray for Faith, Hope and Love during this Christmas season. And don't forget when you celebrate with family and friends that every day we get a chance to "Believe."

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