Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Who is your "Contractor?"

Construction is a common word that we use quite often in our world today. Houses, athletic facilities and new buildings are always being built around us. Choosing the right person to build these new projects is an integral part of the process. Due to the time constraints, cost and design, the contractor will be your most valuable asset. You want someone who is honest, hard-working and eager to listen to your concerns and dreams of what you want the finish product to look like.

Buildings are an important part of our lives. They are where we work, go to school, play athletic contests, eat and sleep. Just as we need these concrete establishments, we also need the building up of ourselves in life. Just as it takes months or even years to build a building, sometimes it takes that long for God to help build us into who He wants us to be. Often times we rely on our boss, our friends, our coaches or even our parents to build our confidence. We don't feel like we are successful unless we make lots of money, live in a big house or win a championship. We depend on others to help build our reputations and tell us who we should be.

Who is your contractor? I learned a little song in childrens church years ago called "He's Still Working on Me." It has always been a favorite of mine and I often catch myself singing it from time to time.

"He's still working on me
To make me what I need to be
It took him just a week to make the moon and stars
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and patient He must be
'Cause He's still workin' on me

There really ought to be a sign upon my heart
Don't judge him yet, there's an unfinished part
But I'll be better just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hands."

We should all remember that He is the potter and we are the clay. He can make a message out of our mess if we let Him. If you feel like sometimes you aren't who you want to be, pray for the constant builder to help mold you into His perfect masterpiece. In life, just as buildings, we get torn down, we get flooded, we get damaged and need to get rebuilt or fixed. You don't need to search for a contractor when the ideal one is always waiting to provide just the right materials to help you to become the best that you can be.

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