Sunday, July 7, 2013


Well, it's that time of year again.....July recruiting. Everyone hits the road for the next month trying to recruit the best possible players to enhance their programs. We all are trying to find those players that best fit "the system" in which we teach and the that share those qualities that are expected to be had in order to be part of the team. Each staff has a checklist of the qualifications that are required to join their team. Commitment, attitude and integrity and 3 important ingredients that add to the recipe of success in any program. Sometimes it's not always about the "best" players, but it's finding the "right" players that fit your needs. It's important not only to recruit talented players, but also to recruit good people that are unselfish and care about the team more than they do themselves. If you think about this idea of recruiting, it relates to almost all of us at some point in our lives. Recruiting is and will always be an important part of our journey in life....

We are all recruiters in some way. We recruit our friends, we are recruited to where we work, we recruit a significant other. Life is difficult enough as it is, but it is so crucial to recruit positive people in your life that are true, real and supportive. Being around positive people enhances your attitude and your daily outlook on life. It's hard to be around negativity and arrogance. It spreads and can be detrimental to your human psyche and your team. Are you recruiting good people in your life? Do you have people you can trust that will be there to support you no matter the circumstances. Do you have people that not only care about your status, but care about you as a person?

God is the "Chief Recruiter." He is constantly recruiting us daily to be part of His team and follow Him. He is always the same, and fortunately, for us we are all on his list. We don't have to worry about not making his top list. He offers all of us a scholarship to an eternal life in heaven with Him when we leave this world. To me that is an awesome Letter of Intent. All we have to do is sign up with Him and he keeps his commitment to us.

So this month, I encourage you to examine your life and the people that are in it.
Are you recruiting positive, beneficial people in your life that bring out the best in you? Don't ignore God's recruiting call to you. He is constantly calling us to join His team or wanting us to help mentor someone to join his team. So be a "Team Player" and help God recruit his players. He wants all of us to be successful on His playing floor.  Let's come together and form an awesome team on fire for God.

Happy Recruiting to everyone!!

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