Monday, July 1, 2013

Get stung by the "Humble Bee"

At some point in our lives, we have all been humbled by some situation that has happened to us. We all think that noting bad will ever to happen to us, yet when it does we tend to be angry with God and ask "why me."

Philippians 2:3-11 says "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."

I believe that humility is one of the most important commandments that we learn in this life. How can we be submissive, gentle and patient without humility? How can we do the Lord's will if we are full of pride? We are all human and made in God's eyes. We all have different talents and abilities that make us unique. We are all hardworking people trying to make ends meet and give ourselves and our families the best life possible. So the next time you get quick to judge someone....remember we all fall short and we are really not all that different. We all laugh, love, hope, try, hurt, need, fear and cry. In a society that encourages competition and individuality it can be hard to learn to be humble. Below are a few ideas to help you get stung by the "humble bee":

1. Evaluate Yourself - With a bad choice yesterday, your whole life could be different today and in the future. But today could be the day your good choice changes you life. But know that God can take our bad choices and work them for the greater good for us if we have faith and believe in Him.

2. Appreciate the talents of other people - Challenge yourself to appreciate people for who they are. In the workplace, sports fields or out in the community everyone is different. Relish your chance to experience different people. Learn to separate your opinions from your fears.

3. Acknowledge your limitations -  Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Part of being humble is knowing that you will make mistakes.

4. Don't ever stop learning - Too often we think that we know everything and have life figured out. We are never too old to contemplate and get lost in humility. The more we learn, the more we remain coachable and teachable. Find humble people that you aspire to be like.

5. Help others - The most important part of being humble is respecting others and helping those in need that are less fortunate. Treat people as equals and always acknowledge the "Golden Rule." I always have believed that when you help someone that can never repay you, you have learned humility.

So I encourage all of you to look at yourself....Are you practicing humility? Are too prideful that you forget to treat others the way you would want to be treated? Be approachable and look for ways to pay it forward with a kind and gentle spirit. May you get " Stung" by the "Humble Bee" this week.

Happy 4th of July!! Remember to pray for those who fight for the freedoms that we get to appreciate daily. If that doesn't humble you I don't know what will.....

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